Der Himmel neigt sich zur Erde herab
[The Sky Tilts Towards the Earth]
I come from a place that does not exist. And I am going to a place that cannot exist.

Narrative media constellation | Director: Zeehyun Soh | Writer, composer, editor: Konstantin Rall
Genre: constellation | Media: video loop, original music, NFT collection, further reading | Country of production: Germany | Year of Production: 2025 | Video loop running time: approx. 25 minutes | NFT collection: 28 individual pieces, each limited to an edition of 72 ERC-721 Token | Video source: 3D animation | Video loop aspect ratio: 2:1 | NFT Aspect Ratio: 2:3 | Sound: stereo.
Scheduled for release in 2025
Genre: constellation | Media: video loop, original music, NFT collection, further reading | Country of production: Germany | Year of Production: 2025 | Video loop running time: approx. 25 minutes | NFT collection: 28 individual pieces, each limited to an edition of 72 ERC-721 Token | Video source: 3D animation | Video loop aspect ratio: 2:1 | NFT Aspect Ratio: 2:3 | Sound: stereo.